Wii will, Wii will rock you!
Sorry it took so long to post this Ell. But I've finally found some time to make a post about the newest improvement to our house in Italy.
YESSSS, it is finally here, a Wii hot off the production line from the U.S.
Last Tuesday, I got a call from Dad who was away doing interviews, saying he had some good news and I immediately knew what it was going to be. Mom and I ran (well okay, it was only me that was running) straight over to the office where the package was sitting. I grabbed the package and immediately started home while Mom stayed at the office a bit to talk. This time, though, I danced home. Fast. :) haha
I had to wait awhile for Mom to come home and take these pictures but when she did, I ripped into the package.The first thing I pulled out was the wireless Wii remote and nunchuck accessory. Sweet!
With speed and precision with scissors I quickly had everthing unwrapped and ready to go.
Here I am modifying the settings and then......
BOOM! A video gaming experience like no other!
I never thought I would be playing baseball in the middle of the living room. And that was just the beginning. After baseball I went on to tennis, boxing, bowling, and golf. I have since then concluded that my best sport is tennis. I just have to make sure that I don't destroy the house with crazy arm swings or bash my hand into the chandalier above my head. If I do though, I'd just be another one of the people who have broken something playing Wii. Haha!
Hooray! So glad to see it there and working! Wii can't wait to play it when you get back!
6:38 PM
whoah andy... You look like you've grown a foot since we've last seen you! Maybe there ARE tall genes in the Boynton fam!?
9:01 PM
Fun! What a great way to play a video game! Maybe it'll cut back on Americas obesity problem. ;) Count me in on a wii tournament when you get here!
4:56 AM
(obeisity, obesity?) - a little help please.
4:57 AM
you had it right the first time. obesity.
8:06 AM
President and Sister Boynton! (And Andy)
I don't think I said thank you enough for letting me stay with you around New Year's a year and a half ago--I came with Aubree (and Carrie) for a week and a half. I just tracked down Carrie's blog and found a link to yours, and I wanted to say thanks again for being such wonderful hosts. I really appreciated your kindness and I still think back on that trip--it was awesome. Sister Boynton, you went above and beyond making me feel welcome and I was really grateful for that.
Just to let you know, I received my mission call last week. I'll enter the MTC on August 1st to serve in the Chile Concepcion South Mission. I just wrote Carrie and told her as well. Thanks again for everything you did for us while I stayed with you! I have some great memories from that experience.
Casey Alvarez
(Carrie's friend from Aspen Grove)
8:44 AM
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