The story of a family enjoying an incredible experience in northern Italy

Thursday, September 28, 2006

A Sweet Documentary

While watching T.V. with Mom during dinner, I usually try and find something out of the ordinary to watch. Today I found one of the coolest documentaries I think I've ever watched on T.V. After watching it, I wanted to see what the actual documentary was, so i googled it and here's what I found.
This documentary is called Pororoca, and it is about a couple of hardcore surfer dudes who go to the Amazon and surf the longest wave in the world, which is called by the local villagers Pororoca meaning, "great destructive noise." This wave doesn't occur very often, but when it does, it spans the entire Amazon River and is a continuous wave occuring for up to 35 minutes. 35 MINUTES! The documentary had some sweet footage of these guys on surfboards for like 20 minutes just surfin' around, and doing tricks. I searched for some other pictures and I found some cool ones:
Haha this wave just goes on and on and on and on.....
It looks really muddy and apparantly it is really dangerous, partly because of the fact that you are surfing with the piranhas and other carnivorous fish, but I still thought it was pretty much the coolest surfing experience anyone could have. Imagine just surfing straight for 20 minutes or so. One of the guys on the documentary is like, "On a normal ocean wave you get a good wave that lasts for about 30 seconds. Here you can surf for as long as you want. Its a dream come true!" Anyway, I thought that I'd share that with everyone. Haha, until next time!


Blogger Carrie B. said...

cool And, we'll have to check it out...

1:18 AM

Blogger Ellen said...

That's amazing. I've never even heard of it! CoOL!

6:48 PM

Blogger Marg said...

Great Blog Andy! You are a great writer and it is fun to read about what you are interested in. Keep on writing!

7:54 AM

Blogger Shirley said...

Well hello world! I just noticed a link in Carrie's blog to this one! We have a lot to read up on. This is such a fun way to see what everyone's up to. Andy - we're definitely going to see Pororoca, it looks AWESOME!

6:22 AM


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