Okay, I'm surprised I am here again sitting at my computer and typing out another stupid blog. I thought (and hoped) that my blogging days would be over after I got so frustrated with the slow internet here at the mission home that the burden of typing and posting would be gone. But alas, the DSL line at our house just got hooked up and now we have high speed internet.... so Mom is making me post about my latest fiasco, and I guess I'm happy doing THIS blog, considering that with my last date, Mom just got on here and typed out the story of my date awhile back... but I'm too lazy to put links, so if you don't remember, sorry.
Anyway, yeah Prom. Fun stuff. This was the first nicely done activity/dance/thinger that my school has offered while I've been here, and that is thanks to one of the seniors who had been planning this activity since about the beginning of this school year.
It took place at the Grande Palazzo Visconti (which is appropriately called the Grand Visconti Palace in english for you non-italian speakers), a four star hotel that had a very nice, outdoor, italian garden type location. Actually I dunno about that. Take a look for yourselves...

Thats not the hotel in the background... but the garden and fountains we're nice I guess

Anyway, we had very nice dinner (I think it was the first time I've tried calamari), and then a dance until around 1 o'clock.
Haha oh yeah I forgot to mention I went with that same Alex that Mom described awhile back. and now to put a face to the name, here we are.
and lets not forget my friend Colin who went with another one of our friends Olivia... here's one of all of us.

Colin, Olivia, Alex, Myself
Well there you have it. Another blog done. It might be the last one before we come home so... Seeya later!